ECT terminals verify operating carrier at the gate  - Vertrouwensketen

ECT terminals verify operating carrier at the gate 

Since the 1st of March, the ECT Delta terminal and the ECT Euromax terminal (both part of Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam) have been verifying at the gate whether the inland operator that comes to collect a container – the operating carrier – corresponds to the inland operator as specified in the digital pre-notification of the visit submitted via Portbase. Hutchison Ports Delta II, APM Terminals Maasvlakte II, Rotterdam World Gateway and Rotterdam Shortsea Terminals will also introduce this verification in the course of 2024.

All participating terminals see the verification of the operating carrier as a logical final step in the more secure and reliable release and collection of containers via the Secure Chain. The check is performed by comparing the EAN number in the pre-notification of the inland operator with that on the CargoCard of the visiting driver. This ensures that the correct driver is always granted access. The EAN numbers are issued by Secure Logistics.

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