Forwarder - Vertrouwensketen


Digitally receive and submit your release

As a forwarder/logistics service provider, you have two possible roles:

  • You yourself are a customer (the release-to-party) of the shipping line/ship agent. You will directly receive the release with the right to collect your import container directly from them. This process is done securely and digitally via the Port Community System of Portbase. You will no longer receive an email with a PIN code. You use Portbase to transfer the authorisation to collect your container to your road haulier, rail or barge operator.
  • You receive the authorisation to collect an import container from the party that has received the release from the shipping line/ship agent. You receive this authorisation from them via Portbase and you also use Portbase again to transfer this authorisation to your hinterland inland operator (truck, train, inland shipping).

In both options, you are part of a closed release and collection process of import containers that solely comprises authorised parties. Read more about what to do below.

What you need to do beforehand

Before you can operate using the Secure Chain as a forwarder/logistics service provider, you need to do the following:

1. Sign up for the Portbase service Cargo Controller or Cargo Release Manager 

In order to easily receive the release for your import container digitally, you require the service Cargo Controller (paid, with more expansive options) or the basic service Cargo Release Manager (free) of Portbase. This applies both when you yourself are a direct customer of the shipping line/ship agent and when you receive the pick-up right from your principal. Using the service of your choice, you also transfer the authorisation to collect a container to your inland operator (road, rail or barge).

If you want to make use of a system interface, then Cargo Controller is the right solution. Read more about realising the required API interfaces here. The many options available within Cargo Controller offer you immediate value, even if you are not yet connected to the Secure Chain. On top of the use of the Secure Chain, Cargo Controller offers you numerous valuable extras.

2. Inform your chain partners

Your chain partners also need to prepare themselves for the Secure Chain. Inform your road haulier, rail or barge operator in advance that cargo will be handled via the Secure Chain. All inland operators are already familiar with Portbase. The authorisation forwarded by you to collect a container will automatically be transferred to them in the service Hinterland Container Notification

Note! As an intermediate step, you can also transfer the right to collect a container to another forwarder/logistics service provider. In that case, this party must subscribe to Cargo Controller or Cargo Release Manager just like you. This forwarder/logistics service provider then informs the inland operator (road, rail or barge).

3. Activate the Secure Chain

As a forwarder, are you a direct customer (as the release-to-party) of the shipping line/ship agent? Then notify them when you and your underlying chain are ready for the Secure Chain. You do this by entering the customer code previously provided to you by the shipping line/ship agent in Cargo Controller or Cargo Release Manager. From that moment on, the shipping line/ship agent will start to route your import containers via the Secure Chain using the new, secure approach.

    The benefits at a glance

    Benefits for the forwarder

    Important to know

    The shipping line/ship agent activates the Secure Chain by inviting the first link in the chain (the release-to-party) to participate.

    If you work with multiple shipping lines/ship agents, the moment they join the Secure Chain may differ per shipping line (and sailing area).

    In your capacity as a forwarder/logistics service provider, you also inform the next link in your logistics chain (the party that organises the transport on your behalf or the inland operator that carries out the transport) in a timely manner that containers will from now be handled via the Secure Chain.

    You will continue to receive all information about such matters as demurrage & detention, the return address for empty containers, the return reference and the terms & conditions in the usual way, but without the PIN code.

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