Interview Modality: 'No need to worry about Secure Chain obligations via API' - Vertrouwensketen

Interview Modality: ‘No need to worry about Secure Chain obligations via API’

All the links in the logistics chain are able to easily participate in the Secure Chain. If a single container is involved, the web will suffice; for larger volumes, a system interface is ideal. Modality, which supplies software for intermodal container logistics, has already provided numerous customers with an extension of their existing API interface to accommodate the Portbase services required for the Secure Chain.

At the request of the parties that collaborate in the Secure Chain, the process of digitally receiving and next forwarding the right to collect a container in a secure manner takes place via Portbase. In the Port Community System of the Dutch ports, an additional authorisation layer has been added to a number of existing services. Services that can be used both via the web and through an API interface. Of course, in view of the adjustments for the Secure Chain, the API interfaces in question have been expanded as well. All relevant Portbase participants and their software suppliers were next informed about their availability.

API extension as an additional module

“We offer this API extension to our customers as an additional module,” explains Modality. Many companies that became part of the Secure Chain as a matter of course due to their role in the logistics chain have now turned to the software supplier for the API extension. This entails more than simply flipping a switch. “It is a serious interface to build, test and implement. But once set up, a company hardly needs to worry about its Secure Chain obligations anymore. We have now connected all the customers who wanted this.”

Major time savings

Modality states that using the API saves companies a lot of time. “With two clicks of the mouse, you can transfer the collection right or submit the pre-notification at the terminal. When using the Secure Chain via the web, manual actions are required for each container. Our API interface prevents that. With this integration, Modality customers are fully prepared for the easy, secure release and collection of import containers without the use of PIN codes.”

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