Inland operator - Vertrouwensketen

Inland operator

Automatically part of your pre-notification

The Secure Chain applies to the collection of import containers by truck, train and barge. Your customer will notify you in advance of the moment their container will start being handled in the Secure Chain.

As a road, rail or barge inland operator, you can very easily make use of the Secure Chain via the Portbase service Hinterland Container Notification. You are currently already using this service to pre-notify your visit and containers at the terminals.

When submitting your pre-notification, the terminal can automatically see that the container in question is part of the Secure Chain. Consequently, a PIN code is no longer required for collection.

How it works

Your principle authorises you via the Secure Chain to collect his container from a terminal. You no longer receive a PIN code. In the Portbase service Hinterland Container Notification (HCN), you will see the authorisation appear automatically via a provisional pre-notification to the terminal. You only need to finalise this pre-notification and then send it. You can also pass on the right to collect a container to another road, rail or barge inland operator via HCN. This party will then arrange the pre-notification and collect the container.

Also via API interfaces

Participation in the Secure Chain is possible for road, rail and barge inland operators both via the web and through an additional API link. Read here how you can expand your existing API interfaces for this

Encourage your customers

Have your principals not yet or only partially switched to the Secure Chain? Ask them to actively sign up with the shipping line / shipagent as a participant. This checklist will help them join quickly. Eventually, all deepsea import containers entering Rotterdam will go through the Secure Chain. 

Verification operating carrier at the gate 

As the final link in the Secure Chain, ECT Delta terminal and ECT Euromax terminal specifically for road transport check at the gate whether the operating carrier is the same as mentioned in the pre-notification via the Portbase service HCN. Hutchison Ports Delta II has also now started implementing this. APM Terminals Maasvlakte II, Rotterdam World Gateway and Rotterdam Shortsea Terminals will follow in the further course of 2024.

The check on the operating carrier is done by comparing the EAN number in the carrier’s pre-notification with that on the CargoCard of the visiting driver. This ensures that the right driver is always granted access. EAN numbers are issued by Secure Logistics.

The benefits at a glance

Benefits for the inland operator

Important to know

If you work for multiple customers as a inland operator, please note that each customer might be connected to the Secure Chain at a different time.

Are you accustomed to using Hinterland Container Notification via an API interface but is the extension for the Secure Chain not yet ready? Then you can temporarily work manually via the web.

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