TAR/RCI obligation for road transport - Vertrouwensketen

TAR/RCI obligation for road transport

ect.nl – We would like to inform you that the use of the TAR/RCI number will become mandatory on the ECT Delta and the ECT Euromax terminal by March 2024 at the latest. Without a correct TAR/RCI, you or your driver cannot enter the terminal.

What does this obligation entail?

At this time, TAR/RCI can still be used voluntarily to gain access to the ECT Delta and ECT Euromax terminal. Using TAR/RCI, you or your driver can drive directly on to the terminal, except in the case of dosing.

Without TAR/RCI, you or your driver can still plan the trip yourself, whereby the PIN code must be entered when picking up containers. This option will soon be no longer possible, which makes the use of TAR/RCI mandatory.

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